
New to the Family

Ignoring the frustration and anger of our current cat, Smudge, Joseph and I decided to get two new kitties. They were rescues from the side of the road. Someone had abandoned them, along with the mother cat, only to be saved by a kind woman out of Burlington. We drove all the way up there to pick out two. However, they were incredibly young and skittish. Lena, our little tiger, was hissing at as the whole way home. Maya was just a scared little thing. But, they have turned out to be the cutest kittens, wrestling with each other, playing ball and mouse across the floor, and cuddling non-stop.

They both have responded to me really well. When I come in the door, they come running and talking, I'm sure telling me about the dust bunny they ate and how many naps they took and who won the last wrestling match. On the other hand, they could care less about Joseph. Oh well!

Here they are:

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